

- ADV owners have over 50 years of accumulated business experience as managers, entrepreneurs and investors;
- Know-how that can save you time and money;
- Diverse skills that can complement existing management teams.


- High impact general and strategic advice;
- Special expertise in management, sales, marketing, people management, motivation.


- A large network of contacts built up over many years;
- Introductions to other investors;
- Ability to open doors on opportunities (potential clients/strategic partners/suppliers/etc);
- Market credibility.


- Investing our own money means we can react quickly when excellent opportunities are presented;
- Ability to realise an investment in weeks not months.


- Help avoid the risk of you getting caught up in the day to day management of your business only;
- Add focus on the big picture, focusing on profit and capital gains.


- We understand the difficulties and hardships of starting and building a business;
- Our objective is for us to enjoy the building process together, not just the end result.